Safety on Campus

For Police or Fire Emergency, please dial 9-1-1.

Please alert Public Safety by calling (856) 374-5089.

View Emergency Procedures

Blackwood Campus – Community Center
Student IDs and parking decals can be obtained at the front desk of Taft Hall
Emergency: (856) 374-5089
Public Safety: (856) 227-7200, ext. 4288

Camden City Campus – Camden Technology Center Lobby
Emergency: (856) 374-5089
Public Safety: (856) 227-7200, ext. 1393

William G. Rohrer Center – First Floor in Cherry Hill
Emergency: (856) 374-5089
Public Safety: (856) 874-6057

The Department of Public Safety is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. (Rohrer Center is staffed only during the open hours). There are direct emergency phones located at each campus that are clearly identified, and can be called from any extension by dialing 7777 from any campus phone.

The department consists of professional campus public safety officers and other team members dedicated to providing first-class service to the community. Officers patrol the campus of foot, by bicycle, and in marked vehicles. The communications center is staffed with trained and certified communications officers who answer calls for service, dispatch officers and other emergency services to incidents.

Public Safety Annual Survey

Campus Security Policies

All public safety officers attend mandatory initial training, formulated by the State of New Jersey College and University Public Safety Association. This program provides officers with a basic orientation to the theories of campus law enforcement and security. All officers participate in minimum 40 hour field training and evaluation program to further orient them to public safety at Camden County College.


Interagency Cooperation

The Department of Public Safety works closely with the local police departments, and relies on these relationships for support on several levels. In addition to passing critical information among one another, the Department of Public Safety has immediate contact with the Gloucester Township, Camden, and Cherry Hill 9-1-1 Centers. This arrangement gives us immediate access to support from the local police departments, as well as the fire and EMS agencies in those jurisdictions.


Reporting Criminal Incidents and Other Emergencies

We encourage all students, employees, and visitors to promptly report criminal incidents, accidents, and other emergencies to the Department of Public Safety by dialing 7777 from any campus phone. The College has installed emergency (red) phones and two-way call boxes (blue light phones), which can immediately connect with our Communications Center.


Monitoring and Recording Criminal Activity

The College relies on its close working relationships with local law enforcement agencies to receive information about incidents that students may be involved in. The Department of Public Safety will actively investigate any crime information it receives concerning or involving a member of the campus community. If the College is notified of a situation in which a member of the College community is a victim of a crime, the department may issue a Campus Safety Alert, detailing the incident and providing tips so that other community members may avoid similar incidents.


Access to Campus Facilities

Access to campus buildings and grounds is a privilege extended to students, faculty, staff, and authorized guests. The college encourages an open environment with limited constraints to ensure adequate protection of all members of the community. Most campus facilities are open during the weekday business hours. Individuals who wish access during non-business hours or for special events should contact the appropriate department administrator or the Department of Public Safety.


Security Considerations in the Maintenance of Campus Facilities

Camden County College maintains a strong commitment to campus safety and security. Exterior lighting and landscape control is a critical part of that commitment. Representatives from various campus departments conduct security surveys to identify areas throughout campus where lighting appears inadequate or that may require additional landscape control. Department members conduct routine checks of lighting on campus during regularly assigned patrol duties. If lights are discovered to be out or dim, officers will initiate an immediate work order, which is acted upon by a representative of the appropriate maintenance office, usually within 24 hours or the next business day. We encourage community members to report any deficiency in lighting to the Public Safety Department.

Maintenance staff is available to respond to calls for service for unsafe facility conditions or those raising concerns for personal safety and property protection. These conditions also may include unsafe steps or handrails, unsafe roadways on campus, and unsecured equipment.

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